Senior Season
I love senior season- the sense of the excitement and anticipation of a new chapter in the air. It's an emotional time for not only the students, but their teachers and families, as well. Everyone is looking forward to what comes next, while reflecting on the highs and lows of the prior few years. I always take interest in learning about the plans the grads I work with have for the future. I love hearing about the hobbies and passions they explored in school, and how they plan to continue their lives in college and beyond. One grad I want to shine a special light on this year is my sister-in-law, Gia.
Looking Forward
Gia graduated from Adams State University with her Bachelors in Marketing on May 8, 2021. While in school, Gia was also an accomplished member of the women's soccer team, and has already begun working towards her Master's degree. All of us- her friends, family, and peers- could not be prouder of what she's achieved and where she's going.

The Shoot
Although Gia was attending school in Colorado, we were able to schedule her shoot in Albuquerque while spending Easter weekend with some extended family. While fighting against a looming food coma from an indulgent brunch, Gia, my husband and her brother, Dan, and I walked to a small park not far from their aunt and uncle's house. It was a characteristically hot New Mexico afternoon, but Gia was a trooper, taking my directions in stride and having fun. Being such a natural in front of the camera, she made my job easy!

Gia and her super proud big brother, Dan.
The Celebration
While we weren't able to attend Gia's graduation in person due to the school's Covid precautions, we were able to travel to my in-laws' home in Las Vegas to celebrate with family the week following. Dan and I packed our bags and fur baby, Cassius, up in the car, and made the road trip up to his hometown. Family from Arizona and Florida, as well as my parents and brother from California, all met up at the Barone house to celebrate Gia and her milestone.

To Gia,
We are all so proud of you and everything you've accomplished, especially throughout the curveball this pandemic launched at everyone. Your hard work and dedication will continue to pay off, and we cannot wait to see what this next chapter holds for you. Your future is bright, and we know you're going to go on and succeed at whatever you put your mind to. Congratulations, again! We love you and look forward to when we can all visit next.